Based on a qualitative study, this chapter explores the characteristics, rituals and behaviors of the devotees of Young Living, a well-known brand of essential oils (EO). The analysis reveals five different segments: novices (first time users of EO), alchemists (innovators who discover and share new uses for the EO), alphas (passionate leaders), purists (extreme users of EO, interested in using only natural products), and evangelists (fervent devotees and promoters of the EO brand). According to alphas and evangelists, EO possess some mysticism and power; therefore, there is the need to guide and educate novices while they learn and adopt new practices, religious-like rituals and norms. At the same time this guiding and education becomes a powerful viral marketing tool that enhances the value of the EO brand. Finally, the analysis shows how social media enables EO fans to connect with each other to exchange their knowledge, passion and devotion for the brand.