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      Studia Iuridica Miscellanea MMXXI 

      Pravni koncepti v luči nevroznanosti: nevrološka podlaga nerazsodnosti in duševnega zdravja

      Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba

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          Predmetni prispevek obravnava nevrološko podlago nerazsodnosti in duševnega zdravja. Ugotovitev, da je posameznik nerazsoden, je pomembna za številna področja civilnega prava. Koncept nerazsodnosti je obravnavan v povezavi z deliktno in poslovno sposobnostjo ter oporočno in ženitno sposobnostjo kot posebni vrsti poslovne sposobnosti. Tudi duševno zdravje je dejstvo, ki se ugotavlja v dokaznem postopku. Od njegovega obstoja je odvisna dopustnost »prisilne hospitalizacije«, ki predstavlja velik poseg v človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine. Ker sta nerazsodnost in duševno zdravje – kot pravna koncepta – izrazito subjektivne narave, njihovo ugotavljanje zahteva zanesljivo objektivizacijo. Avtor zastopa stališče, da uporaba nevroznanstvenih odkritij lahko poveča zanesljivost ugotavljanja pravno relevantnih subjektivnih dejstev. »Objektivizacijo subjektivnega« omogoča nevroznanost, katere odkritja so že uporabna v dokazne namene. Nadaljnji razvoj bo zmanjšal pomanjkljivosti nevroznanosti, zato se bo zanesljivost nevroznanstvenih odkritij povečala. S tem bodo nevroznanstvena odkritja postala pomemben del objektivizacije subjektivnih dejstev v civilnih postopkih.

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          Dynamic mapping of human cortical development during childhood through early adulthood.

          We report the dynamic anatomical sequence of human cortical gray matter development between the age of 4-21 years using quantitative four-dimensional maps and time-lapse sequences. Thirteen healthy children for whom anatomic brain MRI scans were obtained every 2 years, for 8-10 years, were studied. By using models of the cortical surface and sulcal landmarks and a statistical model for gray matter density, human cortical development could be visualized across the age range in a spatiotemporally detailed time-lapse sequence. The resulting time-lapse "movies" reveal that (i) higher-order association cortices mature only after lower-order somatosensory and visual cortices, the functions of which they integrate, are developed, and (ii) phylogenetically older brain areas mature earlier than newer ones. Direct comparison with normal cortical development may help understanding of some neurodevelopmental disorders such as childhood-onset schizophrenia or autism.
            • Record: found
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            • Article: not found

            Global prevalence of dementia: a Delphi consensus study.

            100 years after the first description, Alzheimer's disease is one of the most disabling and burdensome health conditions worldwide. We used the Delphi consensus method to determine dementia prevalence for each world region. 12 international experts were provided with a systematic review of published studies on dementia and were asked to provide prevalence estimates for every WHO world region, for men and women combined, in 5-year age bands from 60 to 84 years, and for those aged 85 years and older. UN population estimates and projections were used to estimate numbers of people with dementia in 2001, 2020, and 2040. We estimated incidence rates from prevalence, remission, and mortality. Evidence from well-planned, representative epidemiological surveys is scarce in many regions. We estimate that 24.3 million people have dementia today, with 4.6 million new cases of dementia every year (one new case every 7 seconds). The number of people affected will double every 20 years to 81.1 million by 2040. Most people with dementia live in developing countries (60% in 2001, rising to 71% by 2040). Rates of increase are not uniform; numbers in developed countries are forecast to increase by 100% between 2001 and 2040, but by more than 300% in India, China, and their south Asian and western Pacific neighbours. We believe that the detailed estimates in this paper constitute the best currently available basis for policymaking, planning, and allocation of health and welfare resources.
              • Record: found
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              • Article: not found

              Seizures and epilepsy: an overview for neuroscientists.

              Epilepsy is one of the most common and disabling neurologic conditions, yet we have an incomplete understanding of the detailed pathophysiology and, thus, treatment rationale for much of epilepsy. This article reviews the clinical aspects of seizures and epilepsy with the goal of providing neuroscientists an introduction to aspects that might be amenable to scientific investigation. Seizures and epilepsy are defined, diagnostic methods are reviewed, various clinical syndromes are discussed, and aspects of differential diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis are considered to enable neuroscientists to formulate basic and translational research questions.

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                Book Chapter
                January 16 2024
                : 455-494


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