AIAA Space Collection

AIAA presents recent journal articles published in Aerospace Research Central (ARC) related to topics involving space transportation, discovery, and logistics

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AIAA Space Collection

This featured collection by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), the world’s largest technical society dedicated to the global aerospace profession, comprises a wide array of aerospace-related research from four different AIAA journals. 


The AIAA collection will contain current issues and content dating back three to five years of the four AIAA journals listed and briefly described here:

  • AIAA Journal (AIAAJ)—The flagship journal of AIAA, discloses new theoretical developments and experimental results on topics such as aeroacoustics, aerodynamics, combustion, fundamentals of propulsion, fluid mechanics and reacting flows, the aerospace environment, lasers and plasmas, research instrumentation and facilities, structural mechanics and materials, and thermomechanics and thermochemistry.
  • Journal of Aerospace Information Systems (JAIS)—Addresses advances in aerospace computing and communication systems with topics including software engineering, system verification and validation, big data, aerospace systems knowledge management, human–automation interaction, autonomous systems, systems engineering principles, and safety and mission assurance.
  • Journal of Propulsion and Power (JPP)—Contributes to advancements in airbreathing, electric, and advanced propulsion, solid and liquid rockets, fuels and propellants, power generation and conversion for aerospace vehicles, and the application of aerospace science and technology to terrestrial energy devices and systems, spanning the range from research through development to applications.
  • Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets (JSR)—Covers advancements in spacecraft and tactical and strategic missile systems, including subsystem design and application, mission design and analysis, materials and structures, developments in space sciences, space processing and manufacturing, space operations, and applications of space technologies to other fields.

These journals comprise broad and specialized research pertaining to space science and technology research which makes the AIAA Space collection a comprehensive and extensive source of space travel science and technology research, increasing the reach and impact of AIAA’s novel research and thus contributing to AIAA’s mission of helping aerospace professionals and their organizations succeed.

About AIAA
The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is the world’s largest aerospace technical society. With nearly 30,000 individual members from 91 countries, and 100 corporate members, AIAA brings together industry, academia, and government to advance engineering and science in aviation, space, and defense. For more information, visit, or follow AIAA on TwitterFacebook, or LinkedIn.





This Journal, that started it all back in 1963, is devoted to the advancement of the science and technology of astronautics and aeronautics through the dissemination of original archival research papers disclosing new theoretical developments and/or experimental result. The topics include aeroacoustics, aerodynamics, combustion, fundamentals of propulsion, fluid mechanics and reacting flows, fundamental aspects of the aerospace environment, hydrodynamics, lasers and associated phenomena, plasmas, research instrumentation and facilities, structural mechanics and materials, optimization, and thermomechanics and thermochemistry. Papers also are sought which review in an intensive manner the results of recent research developments on any of the topics listed above.


Citation Guidelines:
Print issues of AIAA Journal were published 1963–2016 (ISSN: 0001-1452). The journal transitioned to online-only publication in January 2017.



Meet the Editors!


AIAA Journal Masthead


Alexander J. Smits, Princeton University (2020)


Deputy Editors
Datta Gaitonde, Ohio State University (2020)
Peyman Givi, University of Pittsburgh (2020)


Associate Editors
Christophe Bailly, Ecole Centrale de Lyon (2021)
Chiara Bisagni, Delft University of Technology (2021)
Rodney Bowersox, Texas A&M University (2021)
Meelan M. Choudhari, NASA Langley Research Center (2021)
Frank N. Coton, University of Glasgow (2020)
Haibo Dong, University of Virginia (2021)
J. Philip Drummond, NASA Langley Research Center (2021)
Maciej Floryan, Western University (2021)
Song Fu, Tsinghua University (2021)
Roger Ghanem, University of Southern California (2020)
Francesco Grasso, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (2021)
Ismet Gursul, University of Bath (2021)
Anya Jones, University of Maryland (2021)
Yiguang Ju, Princeton University (2021)
Rakesh K. Kapania, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (2021)
Johan Larsson, University of Maryland (2020)
Philippe Lavoie, University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (2021)
Cunbiao Lee, Peking University (2021)
Roger Ohayon, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (2021)
Carlos Pantano-Rubino, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2021)
Dimitri Papamoschou, University of California, Irvine (2021)
Chris Pettit, United States Naval Academy (2022)
Jonathan Poggie, Purdue University (2021)
Daniella Raveh, Technion (2022)
Neil Sandham, University of Southampton (2021)
SangJoon Shin, Seoul National University (2021)
Marilyn J. Smith, Georgia Institute of Technology (2021)
D. Scott Stewart, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2020)
Kunihiko Taira, University of California, Los Angeles (2021)
Paul Tucker, University of Cambridge (2021)
Lawrence S. Ukeiley, University of Florida (2021)
Paul M. Weaver, University of Bristol (2021)
Chihyung Wen, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2021)
Karen E. Willcox, University of Texas at Austin (2021)
Dan Zhao, University of Canterbury (2021)
Yu Zhou, Harbin Institute of Technology at Shenzhen (2021)


Book Review Editor
Peyman Givi, University of Pittsburgh (2020)


Editorial Advisory Board
Dennis M. Bushnell, NASA Langley Research Center
Graham Candler, University of Minnesota
Earl H. Dowell, Duke University
Peretz Friedmann, University of Michigan
Edward M. Greitzer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Raphael Haftka, University of Florida
Antony Jameson, Stanford University
John Kim, University of California, Los Angeles
Beverley McKeon, California Insitute of Technology
Elaine Oran, University of Maryland
William S. Saric, Texas A&M University
Wei Shyy, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Jason Speyer, University of California, Los Angeles
Forman A. Williams, University of California, San Diego
Israel J. Wygnanski, University of Arizona


Past Editors
Peretz P. Friedmann (2009–2014)
Elaine S. Oran (2003–2008)
Gerard M. Faeth (1997–2002)
George W. Sutton (1967–1996)
Leo Steg (1963–1967)
Martin Summerfield (1963)
W. R. Sears (1963)


AIAA President
Basil Hassan

Chair, Publications Committee
John Daily

Managing Director, Products and Programs
Karen Thomas

Director, Publications
Heather Brennan

Manager, Journal Operations
Karina V. Bustillo


About the Journal of Aerospace Information Systems (JAIS)


This Journal is devoted to the dissemination of original archival research papers describing new theoretical developments, novel applications, and case studies regarding advances in aerospace computing, information, and networks and communication systems that address aerospace-specific issues. Topics include aerospace systems and software engineering, verification and validation of embedded systems, uncertainty quantification, the field known as ‘big data,’ data analytics, machine learning, knowledge management for aerospace systems, human-automation interaction, and systems health management for aerospace systems. Applications of autonomous systems, systems engineering principles, and safety and mission assurance are of particular interest. The Journal also features Technical Notes regarding recent innovations or applications. Papers are also sought that rigorously review the results of recent research developments. In addition to original research papers and reviews, the journal publishes articles that review books, conferences, social media, and new educational modes applicable to the scope of the Journal. Issues related to signal processing, electromagnetics, antenna theory, and the basic networking hardware transmission technologies of a network are not within the scope of this journal.


Citation Guidelines:
This journal was originally published as the Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication. Papers published between January 2004 and December 2012 should use the old journal title in all citations; papers published in January 2013 and going forward should use the title Journal of Aerospace Information Systems for all citations.



Meet the Editors!


Journal of Aerospace Information Systems Masthead


Ella M. Atkins, University of Michigan (2020)


Associate Editors
Douglas Allaire, Texas A&M University (2022)
Guillaume P. Brat, NASA Ames Research Center (2021)
David Casbeer, Air Force Research Laboratory (2021)
Han-Lim Choi, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (2022)
Misty Davies, NASA Ames Research Center (2020)
Jonathan How, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2021)
Mykel Kochenderfer, Stanford University (2021)
Peng Wei, George Washington University (2020)


Editorial Advisory Board
Stephen Boyd, Stanford University
Fu-Kuo Chang, Stanford University
Eric Feron, Georgia Institute of Technolgy
Jiawei Han, University of Illinois
R. John Hansman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kalmanje Krishna Kumar, NASA
Paul D. Nielsen, Software Engineering Institute
Amy Pritchett, Pennsylvania State University
John Tracy, The Boeing Company


Past Editors
Lyle Long (2004-2007)
Michael Hinchey (2007-2012)
Ashok Srivastava (2012-2017)


AIAA President
Basil Hassan

Chair, Publications Committee
John Daily

Managing Director, Products and Programs
Karen Thomas

Director, Publications
Heather Brennan

Manager, Journal Operations
Karina V. Bustillo



About the Journal of Propulsion and Power (JPP)


This Journal is devoted to the advancement of the science and technology of aerospace propulsion and power through the dissemination of original archival papers contributing to advancements in airbreathing, electric, and advanced propulsion; solid and liquid rockets; fuels and propellants; power generation and conversion for aerospace vehicles; and the application of aerospace science and technology to terrestrial energy devices and systems. It is intended to provide readers of the Journal, with primary interests in propulsion and power, access to papers spanning the range from research through development to applications. Papers in these disciplines and the sciences of combustion, fluid mechanics, and solid mechanics as directly related to propulsion and power are solicited.


Citation Guidelines:
Print issues of Journal of Propulsion and Power were published 1985 – 2018 (ISSN: 0748-4658). The journal transitioned to online-only publication in January 2019.



Meet the Editors!


Journal of Propulsion and Power Masthead


Joseph M. Powers, University of Notre Dame (2021)


Associate Editors
John J. Blandino, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (2020)
Jeffrey P. Bons, Ohio State University (2021)
Rodney D. Bowersox, Texas A&M University (2022)
Alec D. Gallimore, University of Michigan (2021)
Keith A. Gonthier, Louisiana State University (2022)
Ashwani K. Gupta, University of Maryland (2022)
Feng Liu, University of California, Irvine (2020)
Lourdes Q. Maurice, DLM Global Strategies (2020)
Joseph C. Oefelein, Georgia Institute of Technology (2021)
Eric L. Petersen, Texas A&M University (2022)
Thomas J. Praisner, Pratt and Whitney (2022)
Venkat Raman, University of Michigan (2022)
George A. Richards, Grove City College (2021)
Venkateswaran Sankaran, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (2021)
Corin Segal, University of Florida (2022)
Jerry M. Seitzman, Georgia Institute of Technology (2021)
Gregory G. Spanjers, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (2022)
James Szabo, Busek Co. Inc. (2022)
Choon Sooi Tan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2021)


Editorial Advisory Board
Sebastien Candel, Ecole Centrale Paris
Nicholas A. Cumpsty, Imperial College London
Werner J. A. Dahm, Arizona State University
Edward M. Greitzer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ronald K. Hanson, Stanford University
Thomas L. Jackson, University of Florida
Ann R. Karagozian, University of California Los Angeles
Chung K. Law, Princeton University
Mark J. Lewis, Department of Defense
James G. Maser, Aerojet Rocketdyne
Jayant S. Sabnis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
William A. Sirignano, University of California, Irvine
Vigor Yang, Georgia Institute of Technology
Richard A. Yetter, The Pennsylvania State University


Past Editors
Douglas G. Talley (2009 -2015)
Vigor Yang (2001 - 2009)
R.H. Woodward Waesche (1987 - 2000)
Gordon C. Oates (1985 - 1986)


AIAA President
Basil Hassan

Chair, Publications Committee
John Daily

Managing Director, Products and Programs
Karen Thomas

Director, Publications
Heather Brennan

Manager, Journal Operations
Karina V. Bustillo



About the Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets (JSR)


This Journal is devoted to reporting advancements in the science and technology associated with spacecraft and tactical and strategic missile systems, including subsystems, applications, missions, environmental interactions, and space sciences. The Journal publishes original archival papers disclosing significant developments in spacecraft and missile configurations, reentry devices, transatmospheric vehicles, systems and subsystem design and application, mission design and analysis, applied and computational fluid dynamics, applied aerothermodynamics, development of materials and structures for spacecraft and missile applications, space instrumentation, developments in space sciences, space processing and manufacturing, space operations, interactions with spacecraft and sensors, design of sensors and experiments for space, and applications of space technologies to other fields. The context of the Journal also includes ground-support systems, manufacturing, integration and testing, launch control, recovery and repair, space communications, scientific data processing, and human and environmental factors in spacecraft and mission design. Papers also are sought which describe the effects of propulsion, guidance and control, thermal management, and structural systems on spacecraft and missile design and performance.


Citation Guidelines:
Print issues of Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets were published 1964 – 2018 (ISSN: 0022-4650). The journal transitioned to online-only publication in January 2019.



Meet the Editors!


Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets Masthead


Hanspeter Schaub, University of Colorado-Boulder (2022)


Deputy Editor
Russell M. Cummings, U.S. Air Force Academy (2020)


Associate Editors
Ossama Abdelkhalik, Iowa State University (2022)
Mohammad Ayoubi, Santa Clara Univeristy (2021)
Vit Babuska, Sandia National Laboratories (2021)
Eric Blades, ATA Engineering, Inc. (2020)
Christophe Bonnal, National Centre for Space Studies (2020)
Matthew Borg, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (2020)
Jason Cassibry, University of Alabama in Huntsville (2021)
John A. Christian, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (2021)
Aaron Dufrene, CUBRC (2020)
Karl Edquist, NASA Langley Research Center (2020)
Islam Hussein, Thornton Tomasetti (2021)
Andrew D. Ketsdever, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs (2020)
Vaios Lappas, University of Patras (2020)
Jay McMahon, University of Colorado (2022)
Mark S. Miller, Dynetics Inc. (2020)
Timothy K. Minton, Montana State University (2021)
Grant E. Palmer, Eloret Corporation (2022)
Julie J. Parish, Sandia National Laboratories (2021)
Anil Rao, University of Florida (2020)
James Reuther, NASA Ames Research Center (2020)
Christopher Roscoe, Tiger Innovations (2020)
Sidra I. Silton, U.S. Army (2021)
David B. Spencer, Pennsylvania State University (2020)
Daniel Thunnissen, Space Systems/Loral (2022)
Mitchell Walker, Georgia Institute of Technology (2020)
Ming Xin, University of Missouri (2022)
Yunjun Xu, University of Central Florida (2020)


Past Editors
Robert D. Braun (2014 - 2016)
E. Vincent Zoby (1993 - 2014)
Clark H. Lewis (1990 - 1993)
Frank J. Redd (1987 - 1989)
R.H. Woodward Waesche (1981 - 1987)
Paul F. Holloway (1978 - 1981)
Donald C. Fraser (1975 - 1978)
Ralph R. Ragan (1972 - 1975)
Gordon L. Dugger (1964 - 1971)


AIAA President
Basil Hassan

Chair, Publications Committee
John Daily

Managing Director, Products and Programs
Karen Thomas

Director, Publications
Heather Brennan

Manager, Journal Operations
Karina V. Bustillo


Collection Information