China CDC Weekly: COVID19

A collection of articles published in the China CDC Weekly on COVID-19 research

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About CCDC Weekly


China CDC Weekly (CCDC Weekly) serves as a platform for the China CDC. CCDC Weekly publishes authoritative professional information on national population health, disease and risk factor monitoring, investigation data and important public health event investigation reports. China CDC will use the CCDC Weekly to express views, countermeasures, and suggestions regarding Chinese and global health issues and to report relevant research and surveillance data, reviews, and opinions, etc. CCDC Weekly will help guide public health and clinical practices to cement the China CDC’s professional influence.


CCDC Weekly is managed by the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China, prepared by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) and published by the editorial department of CCDC Weekly set up by the China CDC.

CCDC Weekly publishes weekly reports regularly and serial reports intermittently.

CCDC Weekly readership predominantly consists of public health practitioners, physicians, researchers, educators, students and news media. It is the China CDC’s primary method for publication of timely, reliable, authoritative, accurate, objective, and useful public health information and recommendations.

If you have relevant data or timely commentaries related to public health topics covered by CCDC Weekly, please submit a manuscript.



CCDC Weekly Reports


China CDC Weekly (CCDC Weekly) is the authoritative publication for information from China CDC. CCDC Weekly will regularly release important surveillance data concerning diseases and risk factors from national health surveys and major public health incident investigation and response information. Following rigorous scientific analysis, the publications will represent China CDC’s viewpoints and countermeasures to guide the practice of clinical and public health. In addition, CCDC Weekly will leverage China CDC’s professional leadership to improve the utilization of public resources and fulfill its social service function. CCDC Weekly provides practical information to readers, doctors, researchers, teachers, students, and news media for public health purposes. Published reports are based on scientific (especially epidemiological) research and public health policies and practices. China CDC endorses all recommendations in published reports.


Preplanned Studies 

A preplanned study is a report on a nationwide/regional investigation or case study that focuses on major public health issues. Ideally, the recommendations in the study should be one that can guide future public health practice.

Outbreak Reports

An outbreak report is a report on public health emergencies, aggregate cases, and special cases, etc., which require chronological descriptions of the outbreak management process.

Policy Notes

Policy Notes are intended to announce new official policies or technical guidelines on public health.

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field is a bulletin mainly focused on the investigation of ongoing or recent events in public health. These are brief reports on findings and progress before the publication of a complete report to respond to readers' concerns.

Vital Surveillance

Vital Surveillance is a periodic summary and analysis of surveillance data of diseases, risk factors and other important public health problems.

Healthy China

Healthy China publishes and shares China's practice and experience in implementing the “Healthy China 2030” blueprint and “Healthy China Initiative (2019 - 2030).” These include projects, environments, actions, strategies and appropriate technologies.

Recollection & Reflection 

Reflection and Perspective reviews the history of epidemics and control of important diseases in China and summarizes prevention and control experiences and methods.

Review & Perspective

To summarize the domestic and international research results of disease control and to express the representative views in the field of public health.

Announcements & Notices to Readers

Announcements are introductions of important public health days (e.g. World AIDS Day) and will use related surveillance and investigation reports for the cover. Notices to Readers are generally used to inform the readers about the changes in the CCDCW and to publish the correction information.

Notifiable Infectious Diseases

Notifiable Infectious Diseases contains the official statistics of the reported occurrence of nationally notifiable infectious diseases and public health emergencies in China.

CCDC Serial Reports

Serial reports will be based on demand.



Recommendations & Guidelines

Recommendations and Guidelines contain technical documents such as guidelines and standards in all areas within China CDC’s scope of responsibility.

Surveillance Summaries

Surveillance summaries provide a means for China CDC programs to disseminate surveillance findings and to permit detailed interpretation of trends and patterns based on those findings.

CCDC Weekly Supplements

Supplements present information that does not easily conform to the format or content of the Recommendations and Guidelines or Surveillance Summaries. These may include information such as compilations of historic events or accomplishments and reports or proceedings from national conferences.


Collection Information

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