Hogrefe Collection

Hogrefe Journals:
Psychology, psychiatry, medicine, and nursing – Psychologie, Psychiatrie, Medizin und Pflege

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Collection details

Hogrefe is the leading scientific publisher for psychology, psychiatry, and mental health in Europe. These core areas are supplemented by publications in the fields of nursing, healthcare, and medicine. Originally founded in Göttingen, Germany, the Hogrefe Publishing Group today includes publishing companies located in 15 countries, in Europe, the USA, and Brazil.
Over 2,400 books for professionals, scientists, and students are available, with 200 new titles being released each year. 41 scientific and professional journals cover all of Hogrefe’s core subject areas. Uniquely, Hogrefe also publishes around 2,000 psychometric tests and innovative digital solutions, as well as offering a range of consultancy and training services for test users.
Hogrefe’s journals' portfolio consists of high quality, peer-reviewed articles in English and German language. Most of them to be found in this ScienceOpen Super Collection.

Hogrefe ist der führende europäische Wissenschaftsverlag in Psychologie, Psychotherapie und Psychiatrie. Die Themen Pflege, Gesundheitswesen und Medizin ergänzen dieses Kernprogramm. Neben dem Stammhaus in Göttingen gehören zwölf weitere Verlage in Europa sowie Standorte in den USA und in Brasilien zur Verlagsgruppe. Das unabhängige Familienunternehmen Hogrefe beschäftigt gut 360 Mitarbeiter.
Derzeit sind 2.400 Fach-, Sach- und Lehrbücher lieferbar, jährlich kommen etwa 200 Neuerscheinungen hinzu. 41 Zeitschriften für Wissenschaft und Praxis decken alle Themenbereiche des Verlags ab. Eine Besonderheit des Programms sind etwa 2.000 psychologische Testverfahren in einer Vielzahl von Sprachen, mit Beratungsangeboten, Seminaren und spezifischen elektronischen Lösungen.
Das Zeitschriftenportfolio von Hogrefe besteht aus renommierten und von Experten begutachteten Artikeln in englischer und deutscher Sprache. Die meisten finden Sie in dieser ScienceOpen Super Collection.

Weitere Informationen zu den Zeitschriften finden Sie auf den Hogrefe Webseiten.
Please find further information about these journals on the Hogrefe websites.

The platform for periodicals of the Hogrefe Publishing Group /
Die Zeitschriftenplattform der Hogrefe Verlagsgruppe: 
Hogrefe eContent 

Hogrefe Publishing Group:



Hogrefe Medicine

The collection includes a range of highly-regarded peer-reviewed journals covering many areas of medicine
Die Kollektion mit renommierten, peer-reviewed Zeitschriften zu vielen Themenbereichen der Medizin

Created on 2018-11-15

Hogrefe Open Access

Hogrefe's Open Access article collection on psychology, psychiatry, medicine, and nursing.

Created on 2017-01-12

Hogrefe Pflege

Renommierte Zeitschriften der Hogrefe Verlagsgruppe zu Themen rund um Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege, Pflegepraxis in der Psychiatrie sowie Pflegepädagogik und Patientenbildung.

Created on 2019-01-11

Hogrefe Psychology

The PsyJOURNALS collection includes a range of highly-regarded peer-reviewed journals covering many areas of psychology and mental health
Die PsyJOURNALS-Kollektion mit renommierten, peer-reviewed Zeitschriften zu vielen Themenbereichen der Psychologie und Psychiatrie 

Created on 2018-11-15

Hogrefe: SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities

Hogrefe's collection on journal articles that are addressing worldwide challanges of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries.

Created on 2023-03-10

Hogrefe: SDG 3 Good Health and Well-being

Hogrefe's collection on journal articles that can help to achieve the challenges of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

Created on 2022-06-17

Hogrefe: SDG 4 Quality Education

Hogrefe's collection on journal articles that can help to achieve the challenges of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Created on 2023-03-10

Hogrefe: SDG 5 Gender Equality

Hogrefe's collection on journal articles that are addressing worldwide challanges of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Created on 2023-03-10

Hogrefe: Sustainability & Psychology

Collection about how psychology contributes to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN by 2030.


Created on 2023-03-06

Human Resources and Assessment

A collection of high-impact journals by Hogrefe dealing with selection, psychometrics, assessment, and social psychology relevant in human resources and other areas.

Created on 2018-11-15

International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation

Official journal of Division 52 (International Psychology) of the American Psychological Association.
International Perspectives in Psychology publishes research that examines human behavior and experiences around the globe from a psychological perspective.
(now Hogrefe Publishing)

Created on 2021-02-16

Kindheit, Jugend und Entwicklung

Renommierte Zeitschriften der Hogrefe Verlagsgruppe zu psychologischen, psychiatrischen und pädiatrischen Themen der Entwicklungspsychologie

Created on 2018-11-15

SUCHT: Interdisciplinary Journal of Addiction Research

Journal with an international focus on the presentation of high-quality and innovative scientific and clinical communications in German and English.
(publ. by Hogrefe)

Created on 2021-11-17

Vasa - European Journal of Vascular Medicine

Vasa combines basic science with clinical medicine making it relevant to all physicians interested in the whole vascular field (published by Hogrefe)

Created on 2018-11-15

Collection Information