Journal of large-scale research facilities (JLSRF)

The Journal of large-scale research facilities (JLSRF) publishes articles describing large-scale scientific equipment. This covers large-scale equipment from all scientific disciplines that is intended to be used by scientists who are not affiliated to the institution operating the facilities (dedicated user operation). Published by the Forschungszentrum Jülich/Research Center Jülich.

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Collection details

Journal of large-scale research facilities (JLSRF)


Focus & Scope


The Journal of large-scale research facilities (JLSRF) publishes articles describing large-scale scientific equipment. This covers large-scale equipment from all scientific disciplines that is intended to be used by scientists who are not affiliated to the institution operating the facilities (dedicated user operation). If appropriate, individual subunits of a large-scale research facility, such as the different detectors at a particle accelerator, can also be described separately.

The articles in JLSRF provide scientists with a simple means to reference large-scale facilities in their publications. In their terms of use, operators of large-scale equipment can refer to the respective article in JLSRF.

All articles are published in the name of the operating institution (corporate author) and not by an individual author. This prevents "automatic" personal citations. Contact details for at least one contact for the respective equipment are given in all articles.



Open Access Policies


This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Submission of an article authorizes Forschungszentrum Jülich to publish the accepted version of the article under a CC BY 4.0 Creative Commons Licence Creative Commons-Lizenz (CC-BY 4.0). Neither submission fees nor article processing charges are involved.





More than one article might exist for a large-scale research facility because equipment and setup change over time. These articles have the same DOI prefix but different suffixes. The prefix represents the research facility and the suffixes reflect the version. The DOI of the original article has no suffix; subsequent versions have a serial number as suffix. For instance, the original article describing a large-scale research facility has the assigned DOI 10.9999/example-doi; the subsequent versions maintain this prefix and have the DOIs 10.9999/example-doi-1, 10.9999/example-doi-2, 10.9999/example-doi-3 etcetera. It is, moreover, possible to update an article with smaller changes, e.g., by changing the contact data, while retaining the DOI. To obtain the correct DOI prefix, please refer to the previous versions and DOIs of the article in the "Comments for the Editor".



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Editorial Team


  1. Dr. Claudia Frick, Zentralbibliothek, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (FZJ)
  2. Nadja Kalinna, Zentralbibliothek, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (FZJ)


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Collection Information