University of Westminster Press Books

An open access interdisciplinary list featuring titles in media and communication studies; law and the senses; social theory; politics and history; internet studies, education and philosophy.

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Collection details

University of Westminster Press Books


Digital, Metadata, Print


All of our book publications are available free of charge to anyone, anywhere in the world. UWP books are produced for reading via the following formats:

  • Online (via browser) 
  • ePUB 
  • Kindle 
  • PDF
  • HTML (limited selection only from Project Muse)


For more on Metadata and Print availability, see How We Publish: Books



Publishing with University of Westminster Press

A Digital First Open Access Publisher


The University of Westminster Press provides its authors a high-quality open access publication route for journals, edited books, policy briefs and single-author monographs and, where possible with accompanying data. Our aim with our academic publishing is to achieve the widest and most cost-effective possible dissemination of research via a transparent multi-format medium. Open access is central to what we do: it ensures that the potential audience is greatly expanded, helping to increase the impact of research and encourage the development of further research and collaboration. Via the Ubiquity Press platform linking to a range of online retailers across the world we also offer readers the option of purchasing in our books in print at the lowest affordable prices.



Subject Coverage and Submissions


Reflecting the University of Westminster’s own research traditions we aim to publish in many subjects within social sciences and humanities, media arts and design, policy, business, science and technology studies and architecture/the built environment. Interdisciplinary submissions are particularly welcome. Within these strands Digital and Social Media Studies, Critical Legal Studies, Twentieth Century History,  Politics, Education and the Creative Industries have been the focus of particular attention so far.

Please first consult our submission guidelines for books and journals submitting via the relevant journal's content management system or via or Rua book submission portal.  


Peer Review and Creative Commons


Peer review is undertaken for all UWP publications. They are considered by expert advisers, journal and series board and the UWP editorial board (which includes representation from the University's Ethics Committees) and our staff. Our editors and our publications follow the recommended guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

UWP content is published within the framework of Creative Commons Licenses, which guarantees that copyright remains with authors and editors. Full attribution is required under the terms of this license to accompany all reuse and dissemination. The standard license UWP uses for our journals is CC-BY. For our book titles published it is CC-BY-NC-ND, which ensures maximum distribution and minimum restrictions for reuse within reasonable limits, whilst guaranteeing that the author(s) and the source of the content are always acknowledged and book authors are consulted about translations and external rights reuse.


Collection Information