Special series on Community Responses to Climate Change

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Call for papers and invitation to contribute to this special issue.

UCL Open: Environment is opening a call for papers on the theme of community responses to climate change and encourage contributions from researchers and professionals engaged in producing knowledge about climate change in and with local communities.

This special series focuses on responses to climate change taking place in, and / or led by, non-traditional ‘research’ communities. It will provide a platform to record and disseminate the insights from many community-level and community-led research projects that are currently poorly visible (or completely invisible) to many researchers and practitioners.  

UCL Open: Environment is committed to sharing peer-reviewed knowledge about environmental issues, including climate change. In this special series we are encouraging contributions from authors engaged in producing knowledge about climate change in and with local communities. All articles accepted for publication will meet our usual standards of quality and originality, whilst fulfilling the need for wider recognition of transdisciplinary, community-based knowledge.

Submission is open to anyone. The series will include research articles, case studies and commentaries about community-level responses to climate change. We hope that all submissions will be based on work done in collaboration with or led by non-traditional research communities. The journal offers waivers and discounts for Article-Processing Charges (APCs) including for articles whose corresponding authors are based in low-income countries (visit the series webpage for more details).

Find out more including how to submit at


Series Editors

Dr Carla-Leanne WashbourneLecturer in Environmental Science and Policy, STEaPP, UCL, UK
Prof Sarah Bell, City of Melbourne Chair in Urban Resilience and Innovation, Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof Dan Osborn, Chair of Human Ecology, Earth Sciences, UCL, UK


Read the articles

Articles will appear in the article list here as and when they are submitted and subsequently officially published after open peer review. Articles will firstly appear as preprint articles whilst under open peer review being updated when revised by the authors as requested by the series Editors.

Read more at https://ucl-about.scienceopen.com/cr2cc

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