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      Vereinbarkeit von Pflege bei Demenz, Familie und Beruf Translated title: Compatibility of caring in dementia, family and employment


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          Pflegende Angehörige (PA) von Menschen mit Demenz (MMD) sind eine vulnerable Personengruppe, die nicht nur mit den Belastungen aufgrund der Pflege, sondern auch mit Anforderungen aus ihrem Familien- und Berufsleben konfrontiert sein können. Der nationale Forschungsstand zum Erleben des Spannungsfelds zwischen Pflege, Familie und Beruf ist unzureichend.

          Ziel der Arbeit

          Die vorliegende Studie ist eine rekonstruktive Analyse der Vereinbarkeit der Pflege eines MMD mit den Lebensbereichen Familie und Beruf, in der Haupt- und Nebenpflegende des MMD berücksichtigt wurden.


          Es wurden 14 narrative Interviews mit PA von MMD geführt. Die Auswertung erfolgte anhand der Dokumentarischen Methode nach Nohl und mündete in Typenbildungen.


          In pflegenden Familien eines MMD bedingen sich Beziehungsqualität und Aufgabenverteilung gegenseitig. Dies hat Auswirkungen auf das Erleben der Pflege. Stabile Beziehungen und fair verteilte Aufgaben können die Pflege erleichtern, wohingegen konfliktbelastete Beziehungen und ungleich verteilte oder ungeteilte Aufgaben die Pflegebelastung der Familie erhöhen. Erwerbstätige PA nehmen die Lebensbereiche Pflege und Beruf als getrennt voneinander, miteinander in Konflikt geratend oder sich gegenseitig unterstützend wahr.


          Die Belastungen aufgrund der Pflege eines MMD führen zu Beeinträchtigungen im Familien- und Berufsleben, was negative Folgen für die Gesundheit der PA haben kann. Doch ebenso können die Familie sowie der Beruf die Belastung reduzieren, wenn PA beispielsweise durch therapeutische Angebote darin unterstützt werden, positive Pflegeerfahrungen wie gestärkte Familienbeziehungen und -funktionalität zu erleben, und wenn erwerbstätige PA den Beruf als einen stärkenden Lebensbereich erfahren.

          Zusatzmaterial online

          Zusätzliche Informationen sind in der Online-Version dieses Artikels (10.1007/s00391-020-01764-9) enthalten.

          Translated abstract


          Informal caregivers of people with dementia (PWD) are a vulnerable group, which is not only confronted with potential burdens due to caring but also with the demands of the family and working life. The state of national studies on experiencing the tensions between care, family and work is insufficient.


          This qualitative study is a reconstructive analysis of the compatibility between caregiving with the areas of family and working life, in which the primary and secondary caregivers of the PWD were taken into account.


          We conducted 14 narrative interviews with family caregivers of PWD. The analysis was based on Nohl’s documentary method and led to the formation of different types.


          In caring families of PWD, subjective relationship quality and task distribution are mutually dependent and this affects the family’s care experiences. Stable relationships and fairly distributed tasks can facilitate caregiving, whereas conflict-ridden relationships and unfairly distributed or undivided tasks increase the family’s care burden. Employed caregivers perceive the areas of life, caregiving and work as separate, conflicting or mutually supportive.


          The burden of informal caregiving for PWD leads to impairments in family and working life, which can have negative consequences for the health of the family caregivers; however, family and work can also reduce the burden if caregivers are supported by, for example therapeutic services, to experience positive care experiences, such as strengthened family relationships and functionality and if employed caregivers experience work as a strengthening area of life.

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          Most cited references30

          • Record: found
          • Abstract: found
          • Article: not found

          Caregiving and the Stress Process: An Overview of Concepts and Their Measures

          This paper views caregiver stress as a consequence of a process comprising a number of interrelated conditions, including the socioeconomic characteristics and resources of caregivers and the primary and secondary stressors to which they are exposed. Primary stressors are hardships and problems anchored directly in caregiving. Secondary stressors fall into two categories: the strains experienced in roles and activities outside of caregiving, and intrapsychic strains, involving the diminishment of self-concepts. Coping and social support can potentially intervene at multiple points along the stress process.
            • Record: found
            • Abstract: found
            • Article: not found

            Caregiver burden among dementia patient caregivers: a review of the literature.

            To identify current evidence of factors influencing dementia-related caregiver burden (CB), describe patient and caregiver characteristics associated with CB, and describe evidence-based interventions designed to lessen the burden of caregiving. Comprehensive literature review of Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature, MEDLINE, and Psych Info was performed for the years 1996-2006 of peer-reviewed journals using keywords CB and dementia. Dementia caregiving has been associated with negative effects on caregiver health and early nursing home placement for dementia patients. Many factors influence the impact of the caregiving experience such as gender, relationship to the patient, culture, and personal characteristics. Although various interventions have been developed with the goal of alleviating CB, evidence suggests that individually developed multicomponent interventions including a diversity of services will decrease burden, improve quality of life, and enable caregivers to provide at-home care for longer periods prior to institutionalization. The ability to properly assess the dementia patient-caregiver dyad related to CB is critical to decreasing its negative physical and psychological health outcomes. Appropriately tailored interventions can improve the health and well-being of both caregiver and patient.
              • Record: found
              • Abstract: found
              • Article: not found

              Dementia Caregiver Burden: a Research Update and Critical Analysis

              Purpose of Review This article provides an updated review of the determinants of caregiver burden and depression, with a focus on care demands and especially the differential effects of various neuropsychiatric symptoms or symptom clusters. Moreover, studies on caregivers for frontotemporal and Lewy body dementias were referred to in order to identify differences and similarities with the mainstream literature based largely on Alzheimer caregivers. Recent Findings As a group, neuropsychiatric symptoms are most predictive of caregiver burden and depression regardless of dementia diagnosis, but the effects appear to be driven primarily by disruptive behaviors (e.g., agitation, aggression, disinhibition), followed by delusions and mood disturbance. Disruptive behaviors are more disturbing partly because of the adverse impact on the emotional connection between the caregiver and the care-recipient and partly because they exacerbate difficulties in other domains (e.g., caring for activities of daily living). In behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia, not only are these disruptive behaviors more prominent but they are also more disturbing due to the care-recipient’s insensitivity to others’ feelings. In Lewy body dementia, visual hallucinations also appear to be distressing. Summary The disturbing nature of disruptive behaviors cuts across dementia conditions, but the roles played by symptoms that are unique or particularly serious in a certain condition need to be explored further.

                Author and article information

                Z Gerontol Geriatr
                Z Gerontol Geriatr
                Zeitschrift Fur Gerontologie Und Geriatrie
                Springer Medizin (Heidelberg )
                27 July 2020
                27 July 2020
                : 54
                : 7
                : 643-650
                GRID grid.13648.38, ISNI 0000 0001 2180 3484, Institut für Gesundheitsökonomie und Versorgungsforschung, Hamburg Center for Health Economics, , Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, ; Martinistraße 52, 20246 Hamburg, Deutschland
                © The Author(s) 2020

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                : 7 April 2020
                : 29 June 2020
                Funded by: Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) (5411)
                Custom metadata
                © Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2021

                angehörigenpflege,doppelbelastung,beziehungsqualität,aufgabenverteilung,typologie,informal care,double burden,relationship quality,task distribution,typology


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