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Reliquiae Baxterianae: Or, Mr. Richard Baxter's Narrative of the Most Memorable Passages of his Life and Times, Vol. 4: Documents and Appendices
Text 1: the account of Baxter's trial from An Abridgment of Mr. Baxter's History of his Life and Times (1702)
Edmund Calamy
N. H. Keeble
John Coffey
Tim Cooper
Tom Charlton
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April 7 2020
Oxford University Press
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66. Westminster Assembly Certificate approving Baxter's Appointment as Vicar of Kidderminster, 30 March 1648
Text 2: Translation
Text 1: Baxter to Lauderdale, 24 June 1670
57. (Appendix V) A Letter of Mr. Baxter's to Mr. Long of Exeter, 26 July 1678
Interpolated and Appended Documents
Text 1: The Narrative of my Case
64. George Dance's Bond, 26 February 1641
47. Lord Keeper Negotiations, [January 1668]
Text 1: May it Please Your Majesty, with the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament
Text 2: The meanes of uniting the Protestant Ministers in England and healing our lamentable divisions; supposing church government may not be altered
52. 'The meanes of uniting Protestant Ministers in England', December 1673
Text 1: Baxter to Orrery, 15 December 1673
53. John Humfrey's Paper on Comprehension with Indulgence, [March 1673]
95. 'An Alphabetical Index both of Persons and Things; an Account whereof is to be met with in this Narrative'
Text 2: Baxter's answer to the Bill
62. Baxter's Licence to Teach, 18 December 1638
54. Letter to Thomas Good concerning nonconformist involvement in the death of Charles I, 10 February 1673[/4]
58. (Appendix VI) A Resolution of this Case: What's to be done when the Law of the Land commands persons to go to their Parish Church, and Parents require to go to private Meetings?, [c. August 1678]
Text 2: To the Right Worshipfull Sir E. H.
60. (Appendix VIII) Mr. Baxter's general Defence of his accused Writings, call'd Seditious and Schismatical, [c. 1684]
Text 3: The paper offered by us
90. 'The Preface to the Reader', 13 May 1696
67. Baxter's Compliance with the Declaration of Breda, 1 June 1660
Text 2: from Richard Baxter, A Breviate of the Life of Margaret . . . Baxter (1681)
Text 3: The Reasons of these several Articles
56. 'Copies of some Petitions . . . which were never presented', 1675–6
Text 6: The other part of our desired Alterations, viz, of the Liturgie
94. Elisha's Cry after Elijah's God Consider'd and Apply'd With Reference to the Decease of the late Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter
Text 5: The Reasons why we cannot consent to Reordination
Text 2: To the King's most Excellent Majesty; The Humble Petition of some Citizens of London
Text 2: Translation
Text 1: Draft Petition to James II of [June 1685]
79. 'Richard Baxters expository defence of his Paraphrase on the New Testament' [1685]
77. The Humble answer of Richard Baxter to a Bill prepared against him in his Majesties Court of Chancery by Sir Robert Sawyer his Majesties Attourney Generall', 26 April 1684
65. Worcestershire County Committee's Appointment of Baxter as Vicar of Kidderminster, 9 October 1647
Text 3: The strictures returned uppon these proposalls, with the answers
93. The Judgment of Several Learned Men both Conformists and Nonconformists concerning the Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter Deceased
Text 2: Translation
Text 2: the account of Baxter's final years from [Edmund Calamy], 'Preface' to The Practical Works of the Late Reverend and Pious Mr. Richard Baxter (1707)
61. (Appendix IX) An Act for Concord, by Reforming Parish Churches, and Regulating the Toleration of Dissenters: A Letter to the Right Worshipful Sir. E. H. about that matter, 9 November 1680
Text 3: Petition to James II of 6 October 1686
Text 2: Baxter to John Owen, 16 February 1668[/9]
Text 3: from Richard Baxter, Poetical Fragments (1681), 'To the Reader'
Selected Biographical Records
Sylvester's and Calamy's 1696 Editorial Matter
Text 1: the account of Baxter's trial from An Abridgment of Mr. Baxter's History of his Life and Times (1702)
68. Baxter's Licence to Preach from Gilbert Sheldon, 25 February 1661
92. Errata List
72. Thomas Manton's Narrative of the Lord Keeper Negotiations, [November 1667–January 1668]
83. Roger Morrice's 'Notanda' on Baxter's Autobiographical Papers, [1689/90?]
Text 1: from Richard Baxter, A Breviate of the Life of Margaret . . . Baxter (1681), 'To the Reader'
Text 4: The Reasons of our offered Alterations
78. Roger Morrice's Account of the Case mounted against Baxter at his Trial for Seditious Publication
71. Baxter's Argument that he is not subject to the Five Mile Act, [1665?]
76. Extracts relating to Margaret Baxter, 1681
81. 'Mr. Baxter's own Account of the Cause of his Imprisonment, left under his own Hand'
Text 1: from 'Richard Baxter's Defense of Charity'
Text 2: 'Reasons to prove, That the Act against Conventicles forbad not my Preaching'
70. Questions concerning the Scope and Competence of Restoration Religious Legislation, [1665]
Text 2: 'Let the Reader know'
91. 'A Breviate of the Contents of the Ensuing Narrative: Which was written by Parts, at different Times'
84. Baxter's Last Will and Testament, 27 July 1689 and 14 March 1690
Text 2: English Translation
Text 2: Another Letter to the E. of Lauderdale
50. Correspondence with John Maitland, 2nd Earl of Lauderdale, June 1670
69. Henry Ferne's 'Letter of Transactions in the Convocation', 29 July 1661
89. '{Dedicatory Epistle} To the Right Worshipful Sir Henry Ashhurst Bar.'
Text 3: Extract of the words inserted into Mr. Baxters Information, and of the Innuendoes in it
82. Baxter's Petitions to James II for Consideration of his Case by his Diocesan and for Discharge from his Sentence, [June 1685] and 6 October 1686
Text 1: Baxter's Licence to Teach
59. (Appendix VII) a Letter of Mr. Baxter's about the Case of Nevil Symmons Bookseller, [c. Summer 1678]
Text 1: The Prosecution Case
86. Prosopographical Extract from William Bates's Funeral-Sermon for Baxter, 1692
Text 2: Draft Petition to James II of [June 1685]
51. Letter to Sir Robert Moray concerning Church Discipline, 22 July 1670
74. Baxter's Retraction of A Holy Commonwealth, 1662 and 15 April 1670
Text 1: John Owen to Baxter, 25 January 1668[/9]
63. Baxter's Ordination Certificate to the Diaconate, 23 December 1638
Text 1: The Copy of what we offered them is as followeth
75. Baxter's Statement of 'My Case' in seeking a Licence to Preach under the Declaration of Indulgence, 25 October 1672
Text 1: Baxter's Ordination Certificate
73. Warrant for Baxter's Arrest, 9 June 1669
Text 1: Baxter's Licence to Preach
85. Edmund Calamy's Account of Baxter's Trial and Final Years
Text 1: An Act for Concord, By Reforming Parish Churches; & Regulated Toleration of dissenters
88. Letter from Matthew Sylvester to Thomas Tenison accompanying a Presentation Copy of Reliquiæ Baxterianæ, 8 June 1696
49. Correspondence with John Owen concerning Church Concord, January–February 1669
46. Letter from William Bates concerning the Oxford Oath, 22 February [1666]
80. J[ohn?] C[hester?]'s 'ruff coppy' of his Account of Baxter's Trial addressed to Matthew Sylvester, 2 June 1694
55. 'An Act for the Healing and Concord of his Majesty's Subjects in Matters of Religion', [April 1675]
48. Baxter's Arguments against his Indictment under the Five Mile Act, [June 1669]
Text 3: To the King's most Excellent Majesty, The humble Profession of Gratitude and Subjection of some Ejected, Silenced Ministers of Christ
Text 3: The Errors of the Mittimus, with the explication of the Oxford Act
Text 2: The Copy of the Paper sent us by the Lord Keeper
87. Letter from John Tillotson to Matthew Sylvester concerning the Planned Publication of Baxter's 'Life', 3 February 1692
Text 1: 'Bill of Complaint' stated by the Attorney General, Sir Robert Sawyer
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