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      The English Language Arts hundred years’ war: Subverting the stigma of film in America’s English classroom

      Film Education Journal
      UCL Press
      classroom technology, English Language Arts, film, film education, media education, secondary English education, stigma

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          Against the backdrop of the century-long stigma associated with film in America’s English classroom, which persists despite its codification in the English Language Arts (ELA) standards, this study investigated the question: How do American high-school English teachers make sense of and instruct with film? Employing semi-structured interviews with 12 high-school English teachers who instruct with film, from suburban, urban, rural and private school settings, the findings suggest that the stigma staining film in America’s English classroom is systemic. Participants shared their view that film is not an inherently passive medium, and when purposefully and actively facilitated, it possesses unique and efficacious pedagogic promise. Employing strategies typically associated with teaching printed texts, maintaining high classroom expectations, and integrating twenty-first-century pedagogic technologies when teaching with film may allow instructors to fulfil film’s remarkable learning potential, and consequently subvert misperceptions of, malpractices with, and the stigma surrounding film in America’s English classroom.

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          Qualitative methods: what are they and why use them?

          S Sofaer (1999)
          To provide an overview of reasons why qualitative methods have been used and can be used in health services and health policy research, to describe a range of specific methods, and to give examples of their application. Classic and contemporary descriptions of the underpinnings and applications of qualitative research methods and studies that have used such methods to examine important health services and health policy issues. Qualitative research methods are valuable in providing rich descriptions of complex phenomena; tracking unique or unexpected events; illuminating the experience and interpretation of events by actors with widely differing stakes and roles; giving voice to those whose views are rarely heard; conducting initial explorations to develop theories and to generate and even test hypotheses; and moving toward explanations. Qualitative and quantitative methods can be complementary, used in sequence or in tandem. The best qualitative research is systematic and rigorous, and it seeks to reduce bias and error and to identify evidence that disconfirms initial or emergent hypotheses. Qualitative methods have much to contribute to health services and health policy research, especially as such research deals with rapid change and develops a more fully integrated theory base and research agenda. However, the field must build on the best traditions and techniques of qualitative methods and must recognize that special training and experience are essential to the application of these methods.
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            Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design; Choosing Among Five Traditions

              • Record: found
              • Abstract: not found
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              Analyzing social settings: A guide to qualitative observation and analysis


                Author and article information

                Film Education Journal
                UCL Press (UK )
                23 November 2021
                : 4
                : 2
                : 136-149
                [1]Adjunct Professor, Syracuse University, USA
                Author information
                Copyright 2021 Joseph Goldberg

                This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC BY) 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

                : 26 February 2021
                : 14 June 2021
                Page count
                Tables: 1, References: 58, Pages: 14

                Education,Educational research & Statistics,General education
                film,media education,film education,English Language Arts,classroom technology,stigma,secondary English education


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