Solid organ transplant patients are susceptible to rare and unusual dermatoses as
a result of their chronic immunosuppression. Trichodysplasia spinulosa (TS) is one
such rare clinical entity observed predominantly in immunosuppressed patients with
a history of either solid organ transplantation on immunosuppressive therapy or hematologic
malignancies treated with chemotherapy. Herein we present 2 cases of TS that were
successfully treated with compounded topical cidofovir.
Case 1
A 36-year-old African-American man with a kidney transplant related to end-stage renal
disease from uncontrolled hypertension presented with a 6-month history of a skin-colored
follicular eruption beginning on the central part of the face and progressing to involve
his entire body. The eruption occurred 8 months after transplantation, and his immunosuppressant
regimen included mycophenolate mofetil, tacrolimus, and prednisone. Prior treatments
included topical antifungals, metronidazole cream, imiquimod 5% cream, and cidofovir
1% cream as well as oral valganciclovir for 1 month, all of which were ineffective.
Physical examination found skin-colored to lightly erythematous follicular papules
and follicular spinelike projections (Fig 1, A). These spines were distributed densely
in hair-bearing skin on the head and neck and more sparsely throughout the trunk and
extremities. His nose was disfigured with markedly thickened and pebbled skin. There
was madarosis of the eyebrows and a leonine facies appearance.
Histopathology found increased cellularity of the nucleated eosinophilic inner root
sheath cells with trichohyalin granules. There were also perinuclear eosinophilic
globules consistent with TS. Polymerase chain reaction for the NCCR, LT1, and VP1
regions of the TS polyomavirus (TSPyV) confirmed the presence of the virus in a biopsy
specimen. Complete sequencing of this isolate found that the strain was 99.98% identical
to the WK164 strain.
We began treatment with compounded topical cidofovir 3% cream and weekly monitoring
of renal function and blood counts. He tolerated using the medicine once daily to
his head and neck and then subsequent use to his extremities. He began showing improvement
at 1 month, and within 3 months his skin was much smoother with resolution of the
follicular spines and regrowth of his eyebrows (Fig 1, B).
Case 2
A 62-year-old Haitian man with a kidney transplant secondary to end-stage renal disease
for hypertension and type II diabetes had a quickly evolving pruritic facial eruption,
which began 6 months after transplantation. His immunosuppressant regimen included
mycophenolate mofetil, tacrolimus, and prednisone. Prior ineffective treatments included
topical cidofovir 1% cream.
On physical examination, there were diffuse small flesh-colored and hyperpigmented
papules with central spiny projections on bilateral external ears and frontal/crown
of scalp and face, with fewer such lesions on the neck; there was madarosis and thickened
skin of the medial bilateral cheeks and nose (Fig 2, A).
Histopathology found mild follicular dilatation and keratotic plugging within the
infundibulum. There was dystrophy of the inner root sheath along with pink irregular
trichohyalin granules and apoptotic cells (Fig 3).
Treatment with topical cidofovir 3% cream applied twice daily to the affected areas
resulted in improvement of his eruption within 2 months (Fig 2, B).
TS is a rare clinical entity observed predominantly in immunosuppressed patients with
a history of either solid organ transplantation on immunosuppressive therapy or hematologic
malignancies treated with chemotherapy. TS often presents with numerous flesh-colored
to erythematous papules featuring a central keratotic follicular spine. The distribution
favors the glabella, mid-face, chin, and ears and less so the trunk and extremities.
There are varying degrees of alopecia in areas of high follicular density, such as
on the face, although the scalp is less affected.
Lesions in TS are frequently asymptomatic but may be associated with mild pruritus.
Nasal disfigurement akin to that seen in sarcoidosis and rosacea may develop from
thickening of the skin resulting in leonine facies.
TS was previously identified under various monikers including viral-associated trichodysplasia,
cyclosporine-induced folliculodystrophy, pilomatrix dysplasia, and trichodysplasia
of immunosuppression.
Since the original description by Izakovic et al,
the histologic findings of TS are highly distinctive and unique. Light microscopy
shows pronounced distention of anagen follicles with abnormal maturation, and inner
root sheath cells contain abundant trichohyalin granules. In 1999, Haycox et al,
used electron microscopy to show the presence of intranuclear viral particles of the
Polyomaviridae family. By sequencing the viral genome, Van der Meijden et al,
recently determined TS to be caused by a new human polyomavirus and named it trichodysplasia
spinulosa-associated polyomavirus (TSPyV).
The seroprevalence of TSPyV appears to be high in the healthy population; however,
clinical manifestations have thus far only been observed in immunosuppressed individuals,
among whom viral seroprevalence approaches 90%.
Renal and renal-pancreas transplant patients account for 40% of cases of TS; cardiac
transplant patients comprise another 20%. Other affected patients have medical histories
significant for pre–B-cell or T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic
leukemia, lung transplantation, or lupus erythematosus.
It has been hypothesized that the pathophysiology of TS lesions may involve unabated
proliferation of inner root sheath cells infected by TSPyV. Ki-67 staining of lesional
cells is found to be strongly positive, indicating rapid proliferation of the inner
root sheath cells.
Clinical improvement of lesions may be noted with either decreasing or discontinuing
immunosuppressive therapy, although the latter is not always a viable option for solid
organ transplant recipients. Resolution has also been reported after treatment of
the underlying hematologic disease. Treatment with either oral valganciclovir or topical
cidofovir of 1% to 3% is found to be successful in case reports.11, 12 Additionally,
improvement of lesions has been described in isolated cases with use of oral or topical
retinoids (eg, tazarotene 0.5% gel).
These 2 cases uniquely highlight the efficacy of topical cidofovir 3% cream as a potent
therapy for treatment-refractory TS. Both patients did not respond to cidofovir 1%
cream with several months of application, and the higher concentration was found to
be efficacious. Because of its toxicity, cidofovir requires specialty pharmacy compounding
in a class II laminar flow hood. Monitoring of serum blood urea nitrogen and creatinine
is recommended weekly for the first month, then biweekly thereafter, particularly
in kidney transplant recipients. A complete blood count should be monitored monthly
while on therapy.