International Journal of Social Pedagogy

Volume 11, Issue 1
27 January 2022
International Journal of Social Pedagogy
UCL Press

Table of contents

The meaning of the disability rights movement for the professional field of social pedagogy in Iceland
A social pedagogical model for counselling immigrant students in non-formal adult education
A socio-historic overview of social pedagogy and social work in Mexico
German social pedagogy and social work: the academic discourses mapping a changing historical relationship
The role of social pedagogy in Slovakia during the COVID-19 pandemic
Exploring ethics in social education and social pedagogy from Honneth and Butler’s recognition theories
Social pedagogy in transnational translations: the settlement house approach in the transatlantic discourse on national social reforms
Little signs, local seeds, learning and development: an interview on social pedagogy in the UK and Germany
The development of social care work in Germany and the US: theorising the result of cultural understandings and policy responses to concepts of ‘individualism’ during the nineteenth century
Socio-educational action in Colombia: historical, academic and professional means to social work and social pedagogy
Social pedagogy and social work relations in Greece: autonomous trajectories