International Journal of Social Pedagogy

Volume 5, Issue 1
01 December 2016
International Journal of Social Pedagogy
UCL Press

Table of contents

Perspectives on love as a component of professional practice6
The growth of love22
More than just a bracelet: the use of material symbolism to communicate love34
Orphan love in the age of capital51
Love: Recognising relationships in work with vulnerable youth71
Do you love me? An empirical analysis of the feeling of love amongst children in out-of-home care90
Children’s quest for love and professional child protection work: the case of Norway.104
Cultivating human beings, not human doings: Challenging discourses of self-care124
Appropriate and inappropriate relationships: David’s story: By Nicola: a residential care worker. Nicola is not the writer’s real name
FOSTERING RESTORATION The impact of love and second families in residential care145
Love in social care: Necessary pre-requisite or blurring of boundaries152
Aroha: ‘Loving’ within a statutory and bi-cultural residential environment159
Faith, hope and love in social work practice168
The umbrella of boundaries, love, and grief171
Book review: Fenton, M. (2015). Social care and child welfare in Ireland: Integrating residential care, leaving care and aftercare177
Book review: Brown, B. (2015). Daring greatly: How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead180
Book review: Barnes, M., Brannelly, T., Ward, L., Ward, N. (2015). Ethics of care: Critical advances in international perspectives184