London Review of Education

Volume 9, Issue 1
01 March 2011
London Review of Education
UCL Press

Table of contents

Some thoughts on higher education, Browne and Coalition policy1
Learning about learning: a conundrum and a possible resolution5
Mobilising research knowledge in education15
Equality, difference and the absent presence of 'race' in citizenship education in the UK27
Holding policy-makers to account: exploring 'soft' and 'hard' policy and the implications for curriculum reform41
Giving students voice as a strategy for improving teacher practice55
Measuring inequalities in higher education: a politics of science71
The stability of social relations among adolescents with special educational needs (SEN) in regular schools in Norway83
Policies in special education support issues in Swedish compulsory school: a nationally representative study of head teachers' judgements95
Getting personal – what does it mean? A critical discussion of the personal dimension of thesis supervision in higher education109
Kindness in the art classroom: kind thoughts on Stephen Rowland119
Why knowledge matters in curriculum: a social realist argument Education, epistemology and critical realism123
Accountability in higher education: global perspectives on trust and power125
The death of the comprehensive high school?: historical, contemporary, and comparative perspectives127
Lost generation? New strategies for youth and education129
The Routledge international handbook of English, language and literacy teaching130
The research mission of the university: policy reforms and institutional response132
Globalisation and higher education in the Arab Gulf States134
Faith in education: a tribute to Terence McLaughlin136
Knowledge, power and educational reform: applying the sociology of Basil Bernstein138
Teachers and human rights education141