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Schlüsselwerke der Politikwissenschaft
Johan Galtung, Strukturelle Gewalt. Beiträge zur Friedens-und Konfliktforschung, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1975
Susanne Kailitz
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VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
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Book chapters
pp. 1
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pp. 4
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pp. 8
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pp. 12
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pp. 15
Raymond Aron, Paix et guerre entre les nations, Paris 1962
pp. 18
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pp. 23
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pp. 28
Walter Bagehot, The English Constitution, London 1867
pp. 31
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pp. 35
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pp. 39
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pp. 42
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pp. 46
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pp. 49
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pp. 53
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pp. 56
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pp. 60
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pp. 64
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pp. 67
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pp. 72
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pp. 75
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pp. 80
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pp. 84
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pp. 86
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pp. 89
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pp. 92
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pp. 96
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pp. 100
Maurice Duverger, Les partis politique, Paris 1951
pp. 104
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pp. 109
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pp. 113
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pp. 116
Gösta Esping-Andersen, The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, Cambridge 1990
pp. 120
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pp. 125
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pp. 129
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pp. 133
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pp. 145
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pp. 152
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pp. 156
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pp. 160
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pp. 163
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pp. 165
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pp. 169
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pp. 172
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pp. 175
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pp. 187
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pp. 190
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pp. 198
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pp. 202
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pp. 225
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pp. 233
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pp. 237
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pp. 241
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